14 Jun

An electronic signature (e-signature) is a symbol or any other data that can be attached digitally to a document that is to be sent electronically. Firma electrónica (Electronic signature) helps the receiver to verify whether the document is from the expected sender, thus validating the content of the document. It is a digital version of a handheld pen and an ink signature that organizations provide on their documents to make the documents legitimate. They are used to prove the intention of the sender to sign the document. They show that if the document were not to be sent electronically, the sender would have used their handwriting to sign the document. The e-signature also proves that the sender agreed to conduct business through electronic means. The e-signed document can be kept as a record for future purposes if a departed will need to make references to the document. There are two common types of electronic signature.

A remote or evidence-based a signature is used when you required to obtain the signature of a person who cannot be accessed because they are not around and they do not have a digital certificate or device for collecting the biometric features of the signature. For this e-signature to be legally binding, a third party who is not related to the transaction that needs the e-signature will have to take it through a series of pieces of evidence.  The success of the e-signature being validated depends on the quality and quantity of evidence is collected. The remote e-signature system is easy to use, but the pieces of evidence are difficult to defend one in court if the signatory refuses her acknowledging consenting to the remote signature being used on their behalf. The evidence is collected to validate this e- signature include the signatory's email address to show that the signatory consented to the remote e-signature. A handwritten signature on the evidence is also needed. The mobile phone number where the SMS with the password (signature key) was received is required. You will need to provide a single-use certificate, long-term signatures, timestamp, and many more pieces of evidence. For more insights jump to: https://www.haulmer.com/firma-electronica/ 

The biometric or handwritten signature is also another type of e-signature. The traditional handwritten signature is transformed into a digital signature using digital media. You need particular analysis and addressing to use this signature. It is necessary to guarantee the integrity of a document and its authenticity and using a handwritten electronic signature is necessary. It is essential to have only one signatory when your organization is using a biometric signature. You should also reserve the biometric signature for vital documents that need specific people to sign.

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